Author: Vikash Goel | Publisher: Taxmann | India, 2024
This book gives you comprehensive guidance on valuation concepts supporting them with real-world examples. You’ll find easy-to-understand valuation examples to apply them to different types of businesses to achieve the fair valuation.
– Find the approaches that valuation experts apply to uncover value.
– Understand financial statements, and “rule of thumb” guidelines for specific businesses.
– Analyze historical performance, evaluate assets and income value, and estimate cost of capital.
– See how to conduct due diligence and optimise the company’s value if you’re buying or selling a business.
– Real-world advice on planning and executing valuation.
– Detailed case studies on mergers, acquisitions and demergers.
– The soft and hard skills needed for successful valuation.
– What you should consider before issuing ESOPs
Here are some resource materials that may be useful for you while you apply the learnings from this book.
To be used for reference only and should not be relied upon to make any business decisions
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